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This is music i wrote for my projects.

Examples of work I did for others you will also find on my studio website

The Cop Shop




My new Band with my companions Benjamin Weidekamp, Jerome Bugnon and  Elia Rediger. We have made a wonderful album together with Leipzigs wildest Big Band Spielvereinigung Süd. I wrote most of the vocal songs and all the lyrics, and mixed the whole thing. It is released on Why Play Jazz.


My solo project that i had on my mind since years. 2014 i finally had my first release with a remix featured on SEEED's summer single Cherry oh. Currently i am working on new songs and more remixes...


Super700 - Under the no sky

This album from 2012 was meant as a new beginning and as it is with beginnings, they can also sound like a good bye.

The band fell into a deep sleep some time ago.

I am very proud about all the wonderful music we made

and the great concerts we played all over the world.


Super700 - Lovebites
We recorded this Album with Rob Kirwan, a great irishman that we learned a lot from. If there is something like classic Super700 songs that we toured the most, they are all on this one.


Stereolisa - AnnoOnnoMonno
This band was the Big Band version of OLAF TON. The Material was written by benjamin Weidekamp and me and crazy over the top arranged by Benjamin. A lot of fun to perform with this Big Band Setup featuring two singers.

Super700 - Selftiteld

The first Super700 long play album and our first album with Motor. We had a great time working with Gordon Raphael, one of my all time favorite music lovers.


Olaf Ton
und das dunkle Vermächtnis der goldenen Kuh
The second record of OLAF TON. This was recorded secretly at my parents house while they where on holiday by former Tonstudio Bauer engineer Thomas Schmidt. The drums replaced the dining table and thats how it sounds.

Super700 - when hare and fox had fun
Our step into the world. We rehearsed a whole summer played our first gigs and made this little jewel. Raw and pure.
Berlin was full of magic and future.


Olaf Ton

The first record of OLAF TON. Released on LEO RECORDS in 2003. Freedom of expression.

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